What's Up At Dollywood - Related Stuff


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

🔵 Changes are Coming to Exclusive Ride Time🔵

My Blog Post Title Hi Everyone,
New year, new changes at Dollywood.    I'm working on another article making note of all the changes to Dollywood in 2024.  One of the bullet point items will be about changes to the Exclusive Ride Time program beginning with the Flower and Food Festival on Saturday, April 20th, 2024.  Until that time, the ERT program will operate as it did in 2023.  The schedule (below) does list each week's ride for each Saturday from 3/9 to 4/13, 2024.

Let's dig into this!

Click here for direct link to . I recommend you double check any information against the website as changes to ERT dates and rides can change at any time, and at the last moment.

So, instead of an ERT event each week, it will move to a ''once-per-festival'' event, with multiple attractions available for ERT.  Also do notice the earlier start times of 8:30am & then 9:30am on days the park opens at 11am.  

Note that Splash Country will move to a ONCE A MONTH ERT.

Here is Splash Country's Schedule...

This is a pretty big change from the past.  How does that make you feel? Will it impact you positively or negatively?? Let me know in the comments!

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