Monday, April 17, 2023

Dollywood's New Big Bear Mountain Roller Coaster Still Set for May Opening - Testing Video

My Blog Post Title Hi Everyone,
Dollywood held a special event at the park on Saturday and Amusement Insider was there, and was able to get lots of great video of Big Bear Mountain testing.  Check out their video below.

Dollywood announced a May Opening Time frame but have not yet specified an actual date.  This video shows lots of landscaping around the station is in place, so they are definitely hustling along with this project as quickly as possible.  And the fact that the coaster is cycling is a great sign that it works, and it works properly.  It looks like it's zipping through the course kinda fast, maybe more than the 45mph that it was supposed to have when announced.  We'll See!

This gets me even more excited for the opening of Big Bear Mountain.  How about you?

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