What's Up At Dollywood - Related Stuff


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Dollywood Weather Alert! CLOSED Friday December 23, 2022

My Blog Post Title

12/22/22 Note from Jeff - If you've had to cancel your Dollywood trip at Christmas for this year because of weather, or any other reason, you can still enjoy Dollywood's Smoky Mountain Christmas!  It's not quite the same as going in person, but I have a great video I produced that you can sit and watch in the comfort of your favorite space.   Check it out below.  This was filmed on a really cold Wednesday back in November.  I hope you enjoy it.

12/22/22 Update from Dollywood

12/21/22 Update from Dollywood about a Delayed Opening for Friday, December 23, 2022

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to pass this important information for late this week and upcoming weekend along.  Dollywood has put out a 'heads up' about the forecasted weather and significant temperature drop predicted for Thursday and through the rest of this weekend.

Here is the most current weather forecast from for Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.  As you can see, it is going to be VERY COLD for certain.  Some snow is predicted, but that is less-certain.

Here is the link for  Check it for the most up-to-date information, as it may change.

If you're not concerned about temperatures like this, then go and have fun with what is available to do.  If you are from much further south than Tennessee, then you may either want to really prepare for the cold with good outerware, or maybe postpone if that is option.  That may be challenging given that there are only another TEN operating days left on their calendar.  

Additionally, you may want to keep handy Dollywood's Facebook Page and Twitter Page for the most updated information.  

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