What's Up At Dollywood - Related Stuff


Friday, December 30, 2022

A WHAT'S UP AT DOLLYWOOD Year 2022 In Review!

My Blog Post Title

Hi Everyone,

It's time for my first ever Year In Review for What's Up at Dollywood the bloggy vlog and the YouTube Channel!

First though, I want to thank all of you out there that take the time to watch my videos and read my blog.  I am so grateful for every one of you and I truly appreciate it!  

Starting this channel and blog has been a fascinating learning experience.  I love sharing my videos and blog stuff with all of you.

Let's jump in and take a look at each of the videos from 2022.

🟢First, in February, I took a tour of the DreamMore Resort.  This tour included seeing the Gypsy Wagon - Dolly's most recent tour bus that is now available for booking.  I also check out Dolly's Time Capsule which is a chestnut wood box with a song that will be played on Dolly's 100th birthday!  Check that out below.

🟢 My next video was for Opening Day of Dollywood for the 2022 Season. 

🟢Dollywood's Emporium - a tour of the updated-for-2022 Emporium.  It underwent a facelift and I'll show you around.  There's a lot of Dolly Parton merchandise available now.

🟢Mountain Laurel Home Goods Store - a really quick run around the store.

🟢Flower and Food Festival - this video focused mainly on the festival features and some of the park.

🟢General Park Update - this video focused on the park but also included some of the Flower and Food Festival.

🟢Sweet Shoppe and Southern Pantry - this video is focused entirely on the Sweet Shoppe and Southern Pantry.  If you're looking for an edible gift or treat for yourself from Dollywood, this store is a do-not-miss!

🟢Mountain Blown Glass Shop - this video is focused entirely on the super cool Mountain Blown Glass Shop in Craftsman's Valley.

🟢Summer Celebration - this was my longest video from 2022 at an hour and a half of good, summer fun at Dollywood.

🟢August brought us Dollywood's announcement for Big Bear Mountain Roller Coaster.  I had two videos from that day - one of the animated promotional video.  The second contained the entire announcement with Dolly Parton and friends.

🟢Drone & Fireworks Show - this video focuses only on the Drone and Fireworks show from the Summer Celebration Video.  

🟢Doggy Parton Merchandise.  This video focuses on Dolly's new line of dog toys and apparel.  The Doggy Parton line of merchandise at the Emporium is featured in this video.

🟢Good Vibes Show.  This video is a complete performance from start to finish of Good Vibes.  They're a feel-good group of singers and musicians that entertain with clever covers of former hits!  You will not be disappointed!

🟢Another Big Bear Mountain Construction update.  This one is from August 31st.

🟢Dollywood's Christmas-Ween Video.  This is a general park update showing off the Christmas decorations set up for the filming of Dolly's movie for NBC.  Halloween decorations were being set up at this time, making for an unusual combination of Christmas and Halloween.

🟢Harvest Festival and Great Pumpkin LumiNights.  Once again, I showcase the whole park during this popular festival.  The park really comes alive after sunset as the decorations glow and wind blows cool autumn air into Dollywood.

🟢Another Big Bear Mountain Construction update.  This one is from September 28th.

🟢Mountain Laurel Home Goods.  I take a bit slower look around the store, which is full of autumn merchandise this time.

🟢Big Bear Mountain Animated POV.  This is the FULL POV that was not previously provided by Dollywood.  The other animation video cut in and out of POV and off-ride animated footage.

🟢Another Big Bear Mountain Construction update.  This one is from November 16th.

🟢Smoky Mountain Christmas - Take a look at Dollywood's Smoky Mountain Christmas, 2022 Edition.  I show you the entire park all spruced up with Christmas decorations and filled with seasonal music.  At the end I will show you some of the Christmas Merchandise available at the park.  Check it out.

🟢YouTube Shorts:  Big Bear Mountain Construction update from November 16th - in Short-Format.


The What's Up At Dollywood Bloggy Vlog! 

I began this blog in June.  I felt as though I needed a companion site to my YouTube page in order to get more information out to my viewers faster than I am able to by video. 

And you know what, I didn't expect a blog to be as much fun as it has turned out to be!  I actually enjoy writing!  English was not my favorite subject in school, so on one hand I am pretty surprised by this development.  It turns out though, blogging is just a different style of storytelling.  I think the key for me is that it makes an enormous difference when you enjoy the subject matter!  Reading 200-year-old literature stories and stuff like that...well, not sure how to say it, but I did not connect in any type of way to material like that.  Amusement parks and fun stuff - I Am In!

Another cool feature of the blog is I can produce content for the blog that doesn't work as well for videos.  Here are some examples of what I mean.  My post about Flying To Dollywood is one of my most popular posts.  It's not necessarily easy to get to Dollywood if you're coming from far away, so I have information that can help you out.  Another post, Top Hotels in Pigeon Forge is popular as well.  I've combined ratings using several credible resources to produce an overall average score for each hotel, and I've got sortable columns on my spreadsheet with unique features listed out like indoor pools, hot tubs, fireplaces, pet friendly and other popular amenities that people search for.  It would be pretty challenging to make a video about 30+ hotels.  How to use the Pigeon Forge Trolley is another popular post.  Folks love Breakfast, that was evident in this post about the Top Breakfast Spots in PF.  If you are not sure where to start with your trip planning to the area, begin here with my post about planning your trip.  My most read post was about all the menus at Dollywood - check that out here.  I plan to update this for 2023.  If you're interested, you can read my Welcome Post on the blog if you want to know more about ME, and why do I do all of this stuff.  Posts like the ones I've mentioned (and all the others) can save you Time and Money on your Dollywood Adventure!  I enjoy helping people out.

I noticed I also gravitate towards news about Dolly Parton a lot too.  Frankly, you cannot have Dollywood without Dolly Parton, so I see the two as being perfectly hand-in-hand.  Also, she's interesting, and constantly in the news because people adore her so much. They love her generosity and love to hear her music and want to know like literally everything they can know about her, so I am going to continue including Dolly Parton focused content as well.  

My blog address is  Check it out!  I even have a promo video about it 😁

In closing, 2022 has been a transformative year for my Dollywood projects.  My plans for 2023 include much more of all of these types of articles and videos and I'm hoping to get in front of the camera a little in 2023.  I am a total behind-the-scenes kind of television producer, but it's time to adjust and just do it already, lol.  I know folks love to see faces in videos, so I promise to try a bit harder to accomplish that in 2023.  We Will See! 

Thanks again for reading and watching along with my channel and blog.  Happy New Year to you all and we'll keep it up in 2023!


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