What's Up At Dollywood - Related Stuff


Friday, September 16, 2022

Fall Colors - When will the leaves change in the Smoky Mountain areas?

My Blog Post Title

Hi Everyone,

Fall is one of, if not the best season in the Smoky Mountains!  I know I am not alone in thinking so, because it is full of visitors wishing to take in the majestic color transformations of the leaves,  and the weather is so nice and crisp. It is such a pleasant break from the heat of summer.

Naturally, everyone wants to time their Smoky Mountain vacation with peak leaf changes.  Obviously, that is no easy task to accomplish.  With that said, there are some experts in Environmental Science out there that study this very subject and they've got thoughts about when the peak time is.

This interactive map with the slider below it can help you decide about the timing of your trip.

Check out the interactive map here --> Smoky Mountain Foliage Map

Above is an image of what the map suggests will happen on September 26th.  Click the map at the link to move the slider left and right to see the timing for different dates.  Around September 26th you'll see some minor changes in the colors of the leaves making their way through this area.

Let's jump ahead by a month and see the changes, below.

Clearly, a big difference in one month's timeframe.  You will definitely be seeing the colors during this time - if the timing plays out as suggested by this map, but I can attest from living here long enough to know mid-to-late October is a great time to see color in the Smokies.

If you want to watch a video I produced in the Fall of 2021 of the Foothills Parkway, you can do that here.  Notice that the early parts of the video are at the lowest altitude of the trip, and around the Look Rock observation area-part of the video, you'll see the leaves are different than at the beginning.  From Look Rock, the elevation continues to climb and with that, you'll see more noticeable changes.  So, you may want to add a trip down the Foothills Parkway to your agenda.  I would describe the Foothills parkway as a road that runs on the adjacent ridgetop to the Smokies, so you are looking at the Smokies from the outside of the park.  Read my more comprehensive description on the YouTube page for probably too much info, lol.

You can watch that here, if you like:

Of course, Dollywood looks great in Fall Colors too.  And that is not limited to the timeframe of their Fall Festival.  I noticed in the video I produced of the Smoky Mountain Christmas that the leaves were still putting on a show well into November.  So, keep that in mind if your preferred dates don't work out for your trip.  

As I mentioned, November's foliage can still be impressive.  Check out the trees from the tram ride going into the park and even around the park further in the video.  Still pretty.

If you would like more information about this, then check this info out.  

I hope that helps you plan your Fall trip to the Smokies and Dollywood!  What is your favorite thing about Fall in the Smokies?  Please let me know in the comments below.

Until next time!

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