What's Up At Dollywood - Related Stuff


Monday, August 26, 2024

🟢🟢Dollywood: Plan the Perfect School Break Getaway🟢🟢

Hi Everyone,
Planning a family vacation around regional school breaks? Look no further! After extensive research, I have copy/pasted a comprehensive list of fall break, Christmas break, and spring break calendars for school districts throughout the region.

🔵Spring & Fall Break Chart, includes Christmas Break!

This handy chart is published by the Pigeon Forge Department of Tourism (pdf).  It lists break dates for the many school systems that frequent Dollywood during their respective Spring & Fall breaks along with dates for Christmas breaks.  It includes the first and last day of school for each school system as well.  Click on the image to make it bigger.

🔵Crowd Calendar

Another helpful Dollywood Trip Planning tool is the Dollywood Crowd Calendar!  It's run by a third party that analyzes ride wait times that Dollywood publishes for their app.

🔹Click here.

A cool feature of the Crowd Calendar is that it works at more parks than just Dollywood, so check it out while you're doing your trip planning.

You may also appreciate the Ride Wait Times section of the website.  You can see live wait times outside of the park.

🔵Blog Posts with other Helpful Trip Planning information

Good luck with the planning process and ask any questions you may have in the comments below.  I'll do my best to answer or point you in the right direction.

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